Friday, March 17, 2006

Your Spring Break Begins...NOW!!

Alrighty then. I'm currently sitting at home on Spring Break. It's good to be out of Athens for a little while. Now, here's the funny part. Mom took apart her bed, and stacked it on mine. So, right now, I'm sitting a mattress, two box springs, and a leveling board. It's pretty tall, and I'm diggin' it.

So, Spring Break plans. Let's see. Perhaps a bowling or mini-golf excursion, laundry is at the top of the list (and will be done tomorrow), and a trip to one of the many slot machine parlors in Williamstown so Granny can gamble a little bit.

Gang, this is my last Spring Break at home before the big West Coast Excursion. It definitely has a weird feeling about it, but it's good. I think it's about time I got out of my house and did something, right? So far, the plans are still a go to moving out July 1 and coming back right before Christmas. I still need the hard copy description from Roger D. before it's completely official.

When I go back to campus in a week, it'll be my last quarter in the Department of Res Life. It's going to be bittersweet, not gonna lie. I'm definitely gonna miss all my RA friends when I'm on the Left Coast, but I promise to keep in touch. Also, Spring Quarter will be the BIGGEST quarter of my college life thus far. Why? My Tier III class, THREE Game Show events on consecutive weekends (starting with OU Price is Right on 5/6), and a full 16 credit hour load. I can do this. Why couldn't I?

Well, that's it for now. More to come over the course of the week, I'm sure...

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